
On the Savousépate store, your loyalty is rewarded !
Once you create your account, earn loyalty points for discounts on future orders.

You can earn reward points in several ways :

  • Whenever you make a purchase, you get 5% of your order (excluding shipping and after deductions)
  • By referring your friends

Your reward points are valid for 1 year.

To use them, log on to your account, and go to the "My reward account" page.
At the bottom of the page, click on the button "Transform my rewards into a voucher worth X €" to generate a voucher for 1 year. The code of the voucher will be used on your next order.
If the voucher value is greater than the total amount of your order, a new voucher in the amount of the difference will be automatically created after paying (also valid for one year). All your valid vouchers are listed on "My vouchers" page in your account.


Refer your friends and let them win a voucher of €5 if they create their customer account ! This voucher is valid for one year, and it's immediately usable.

Each time one of your godson makes a purchase, you earn 5% loyalty points of the total amount of his order (excluding shipping and after deductions).

Sponsorship program

To refer a friend, nothing more simple !
Log in your account or create your account if you do not have one, and go to the "Sponsorship program" page. You can send invitations via email or share your referral link on your social networks.

You'll find on each product a custom URL with your referral code by clicking on the button "Sponsor for this product". If you share the URL on the web and a person decides to open his account after clicking on this link, it will automatically become one of your referrals.

Sponsorhip URL

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